Selasa, 15 September 2009

A Bad Feeling in the Public Transportation

I can't forget my memory when I lost my mobile phone in the public transportation. In December ago, I really didn't have money. So, I decided to take my money in the bank. I invited two of my friends to accompany me to go there by public transportation. My friends sat beside the driver and I sat in the back beside a man who wore shirt and trousers neatly. When I was there, I felt a bad feeling, but I didn't know what it was. On the way, suddenly the man who sat beside me asked me a tissue. Then I gave it to him although I was curiosity. Why did he ask me the tissue?moreover he didn't get perspirated, “my heart said. After that, a man who sat in front of me got carsick. I really felt that there was odd thing happened. “ How come there was the man got carsick in the public transportation?”, my head was puzzled. Next, not too long after that, the two men who sat beside and in front of me went off. Then, the driver asked me that there was something lost. For the first time, I didn't believe, but after I checked my bag, I realized that my mobile phone was lost!. After this incident, I got some lesson that going to somewhere must be careful and don't appraise someone just from his appearance.

2 komentar:

dN!eSt18ngetz mengatakan...

euwh!! It's a terrible day!
I also have got the same thing
My beloved phone was lost in our campus! oh No!!!
There're many treasure there!

pyda mengatakan...

yang sabar non....
kejahatan bisa terjadi bukan karena ada niat pelakunya,
but also, there is a chance,






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