Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

My Convenient – Lovely Boarding House Room

My boarding house room is the pleasant and nice room. It's a simple room which is square type, not too small and not too big. The square type helps me to arrange the furniture seems neatly. There are some furniture which is in medium sized that makes my room isn't seem small. My room is bright with the good shining of sunlight. On the left of the door, there is a wide window which faces the sunlight and there is a white and green curtain to cover it whether has been night. On the top of that wide window, there is also a ventilation to make the circulation of air regulates nicely. Next, the study table and the dressing all at once, stands up in the left corner of the room. Everything of stuff I put down there, so that's why that I call that table as the multifunctional table. Beside of the table, there is a cupboard which has five shelves and made of wood. In the right corner, there is a cute bed. I call it by the cute bed because it just enough for one person to sleep on it. Hehehe.. that's so small actually. In addition, there is a glass ceiling that faces the bed which substitutes for the lamp in the morning and at noon. It's make me to be more economize of using the electric. My room also gets the fresh air everyday. In front of it, there are many various plants which produces the good oxygen. Not only about the condition of my room is good, but also the position of it is so strategic. My room is located near from bathroom and washing place. In short, everything is in my room makes it so comfortable for me.

A Lazy Happy Sunday

Sunday, 28/09

Sunday…… many people said that Sunday is lazy day and maybe that 'mantra' worked at me today!!! I still felt the atmosphere of holiday and I hadn't get the atmosphere to study,, huhuhu.. yah maybe,because that long enough holiday that made me rather be a lazy girl. But not all I felt lazy, I was happy and got spirit to meet my friends, and actually I missed them.. hehehe..^^a. We met and still forgive each other.. ya.. I like that!!!!..The togetherness made everything so beautiful.

An Angel in Puspa Indah

Sunday, 27/09
Actually waiting is very boring activity, like me this morning. Today I must back to my second city, Malang. Obviously, holiday is felt too quick. Although I had already spent my time so long, almost 2 weeks in my home and really in my home because I went out to hang out seldom for this holiday. However, I must back to Malang and back to let go my activity as usual as the student. In front of me, there were many people stood up to wait the bus. Ow… ow..ow.. and actually the bus was so crowded!!! I can't imagine I would be jostle each others in the Puspa Indah later. One by one, two by two, three by three and soon people left their waiting and went to the place that they wanted to go. Fortunately, I wasn't alone. I was accompanied with my sister, Lia. Going to Malang at this time, rather different with as usual. Today, I would be back with my friend, Laily as 'my niece' and she had already blocked one empty place for me. When my bus had already came, I shocked for second because it was very crowded!!. I went to my place that had already prepared by my friend, but actually that place had already been placed by the old woman and I know I can't asked her to order my place. So I gave that place for her. For some time, I stood up in the crowded people, and actually the stuff that I brought was not little. It was much enough. I believed the kindness would be replied by the goodness too. Not so long after that, I got the cozy place even!!! I sat in front the bus, and that place actually was large and made me still could sat comfortable although with my many stuff that I brought. Alhamdulillah.. indeed Your promise is be…^^

A man ----------- > A mistake

Thursday, 24/09
There is no perfect body in the world! Ya.. maybe that's sentence exactly appropriate for me today. This morning I went to the district office to order my identity card. Actually I have already had it, but. Yah.. back to the first sentence, I forgot to put down it or with the other sentence, I have already lost that. I was so tired arrived at my home.. huff…. And you know, not just from here my tiredness, I still must have been tired again because of the advice or we can call it the grumbling of my father. He gave my many advice…''You have been mature, so that's why you must change your bad attitude and left your bad habitual, like your CARELESS!!!!".. doeng… actually that word really got into my heart. For the first time, In my heart, I still rather feel grumbled, but finally I realized that it to my kindness. Yes..thank my dad. Yup, now I must be changed!!!!!!!! ;D





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